Harry to pen another memoir? Royal commentator says 'it would induce new stress for his family'

Royal experts suggest that Prince Harry's second memoir may be forthcoming, given that the first one omitted several details about his wedding to Meghan Markle.

Harry to pen another memoir? Royal commentator says 'it would induce new stress for his family'

PRINCE Harry's first memoir, "Spare," had led to various claims about the royal family, sparking criticism from the Duke of Sussex towards his family members.

First, the Royal author Robert Hardman has suggested that Harry may write a second memoir. Now, the royal commentator Lee Cohen has also backed the claim, which is speculated to add 'new stress' for the royal family, amid Kate Middleton and King Charles' health crisis.

Why a second memoir?

Hardman and Cohen suggest that a second memoir may be forthcoming, given that the first one omitted details about Harry and Meghan's wedding.

According to an Independent report, citing Hardman, Prince Harry's first memoir withheld key instances, and therefore a second memoir is likely. 

While Cohen believed the second memoir is conceivable given the scant coverage in the first book of his wedding to Meghan Markle. “This raises significant concerns. It would be extremely ill-advised for Harry to pen a second memoir."

Why would it add to Royal family's stress?

Lee Cohen said that the new memoir will add to the new stress for Harry's family, who are already dealing with serious health crises.

“A subsequent hateful book would further tank Harry’s already languishing public esteem. Harry’s initial memoir already delved far too deeply into private family matters, making any further trust by his family impossible," he said.

Does Prince Harry regret revealing secrets of Royal family?

In the first memoir 'Spare', Harry criticised his family members -- Prince William, Kate Middleton and King Charles. He had even written about a violent altercation with his brother, after William raised concerns about his relationship with Meghan Markle.

According to US Weekly, citing Royal expert Tessa Dunlop, Harry has found himself in a “painful place" after he learnt about Kate’s cancer diagnosis, and was regretting making revelations about his estranged family in his memoir.

“When you do discover that your sister-in-law has cancer and you’ve written stuff that can’t be retracted, that’s quite a painful place to be in," Dunlop said. “I’m not saying it isn’t."

“They deliberately criticize the monarchy [and then offer] themselves as an alternative to monarchy. So then when the monarchy is in trouble, we do kind of make a comparison. Can Harry and Meghan really hold themselves off as the caring example now?" she asked, adding “They’re certainly going to have to be careful of their timing with any releases so that it doesn’t look opportunistic."