William ‘in a lonely place’ after health issues of Kate and Charles

Prince William is stepping up to care for his wife and young family as both his father, King Charles, and wife, Kate Middleton, battle cancer.

William ‘in a lonely place’ after health issues of Kate and Charles

PRINCE William is going through a unique situation. Both his father, King Charles, and his wife, Kate Middleton, have been battling cancer.

As per a Royal insider, it is not an easy place to be. The future king has paused many of his other commitments to focus on caring for his wife and young family.

King Charles is back at work full of energy. However, he will still need to make some adjustments to his health. This brings Prince William to the centre stage to take on more responsibilities.

“He’s asking: ‘How can I use my platform for good, to create positive change? He has big ambitions for what he can deliver," the BBC quoted a Royal source as saying.

“He's rolled up his sleeves and played a fundamental role in ensuring the work begins as soon as possible," added a Royal source.

The relationship between Prince William and his brother, Prince Harry, allegedly remains strained. There is wild gossip on social media about Kate Middleton’s health as the Princess of Wales undergoes cancer treatment. These issues don't help William's already-difficult situation.

"There can't be too many people whose wife and father have been diagnosed with cancer so close together. It must feel as if he is in a lonely place at times," the BBC quoted Richard Palmer as saying.

"It must feel like the weight of the world is on him. The future of the monarchy rests on his shoulders," Royal author Professor Pauline Maclaran said.

Criticism of Prince William

Prince William is working on a project to help reduce homelessness. However, the project is being criticised as insensitive and hypocritical because of the future king’s great wealth. His critics also mentioned that solving housing issues largely depends on political actions, which are not within his control.