Mumbai rains: Parts of Maximum city face waterlogging due to pre-monsoon showers. Netizens say, ‘good job, BMC!’

As monsoon enters Maharashtra, parts of Mumbai have received heavy rainfall leading to water logging in many areas on Satuday night

Mumbai rains: Parts of Maximum city face waterlogging due to pre-monsoon showers. Netizens say, ‘good job, BMC!’

MANY parts of Mumbai witnessed heavy rainfall on Saturday night leading to severe waterlogging in different areas. The pre-monsoon showers that left Mumbaikars complaining about waterlogging and traffic jams are expected to be followed by heavy monsoon rains in the next 48 hours.  

Mumbai has yet to declare the official arrival of the monsoon. However, the city started receiving heavy rainfall on Saturday night. Several other Maharashtra cities, including Pune, witnessed heavy downpours and waterlogging on Saturday because of rainfall.

Hours after rainfall began in the city, several netizens shared visuals of waterlogged streets and long traffic jams on roads from different parts of the Maximum city.

“Dahisar received a massive 40 mm in just an hour. Roads waterlogged. Happy Sunday Mumbaikars,” wrote social media user @rushikesh_agre_ while sharing the visuals of Mumbai's Dahisar after an hour of rain.

Another social media user shared an incident on Ghodbunder Road, where a fallen tree led to a massive traffic jam in the area.

“Due to rainfall and a tree fallen at Ghodbunder road towards Thane there is a heavy traffic. People are waiting in heavy traffic from midnight to 3 am. Kindly avoid going towards Thane rather use Powai. Spoke with Police officials on duty,” wrote @kunal_artistic.

While many social media users cheered the onset of rainy season in the city, a few others highlighted the poor sewage system of the city which led to waterlogging after overnight rainfall. 

A social media user expressed disappointment and wrote, “Well done @mybmc!”

“Almost every road in the city is dug up and the monsoons are here. Just dreading the hell that is to come,” wrote famous author Kiran Manral on X.

Mumbai Rains

According to the Indian Meteorological Department scientists, weather conditions are favourable in Mumbai and may result in the timely arrival of the monsoon.

The city is likely to witness heavy rainfall on Sunday and in the coming two to three days. The weather agency has also issued a yellow warning for heavy rain accompanied by gusty winds at a speed of 50-60 kmph and thunderstorms. 

Mumbai is witnessing heavy rainfall due to pre-monsoon conditions. However, monsoon is likely to arrive in the city over the next 48 hours, senior scientists from IMD Mumbai told Indian Express. The official date for the arrival of monsoon in Mumbai is between June 10 and June 15.