Bomb threat: 3 Bengaluru hotels on high alert

Three prominent hotels in Bengaluru, including The Ottera, received a bomb threat email, prompting a massive security response with bomb squads and police teams rushing to the locations to conduct extensive searches.

Bomb threat: 3 Bengaluru hotels on high alert

BENGALURU was gripped by a security scare on May 23 as three prominent hotels, including The Ottera, received an email threatening a bomb attack.

Prompt action was taken by the authorities, with teams from the Bomb Squad and the city police rushing to The Ottera hotel, located in the southeastern part of the city, as per ANI.

DCP (South East) Bengaluru confirmed the incident, stating, “A bomb threat mail was sent to three reputed hotels, including The Ottera in the city. Teams of the Bomb Squad and Police are currently at The Ottera hotel," as quoted by ANI.

“Ye aaj kal fashion ho gaya hai kya mail kar ke threat dena," an X user wrote.

“Why so many bomb threats across India?" another said.

Meanwhile, Delhi was gripped by a security alert on Wednesday afternoon when the Union Home Ministry's office at North Block received a bomb threat, prompting the deployment of fire tenders to the location as per reports.

The incident unfolded around 3:30 pm when an email containing the bomb threat was received at the high-security complex housing key ministries and offices. Responding swiftly to the potential danger, authorities dispatched two fire tenders from the Delhi Fire Service (DFS) to the spot, as reported by ANI.

"I was sent here following the (bomb threat) call. Probe is under way," said fire official Prem Lal, confirming the gravity of the situation and the proactive measures being taken to mitigate any risks.

According to PTI, a police officer revealed that the call to the DFS was made after an officer posted at the North Block received the threatening email. While the details of the email's content remain undisclosed, it was deemed serious enough to warrant an immediate security response.

As a precautionary measure, extensive searches were carried out within the premises of the North Block, with security personnel and bomb disposal squads meticulously scouring every nook and cranny. However, as of now, nothing suspicious has been found, the officer informed, providing some relief amidst the tense situation.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident, as several schools, hospitals, and even Tihar Jail in the Delhi-NCR region have been targeted by similar bomb threats via emails over the past few weeks. While these threats have ultimately proven to be hoaxes, they have nonetheless caused widespread panic and disruption.

In a recent FIR filed by the Special Cell of the Delhi Police, it was revealed that the intention behind the bomb hoax emails received by nearly 200 Delhi schools was to "create mass panic and disturb public order." This alarming trend has raised concerns about the safety and security of public institutions and the potential consequences of such malicious acts.

Authorities are currently investigating the latest bomb threat at the North Block, leaving no stone unturned to ensure the safety of the premises and its occupants. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for heightened vigilance and robust security measures to counter such threats effectively.