Ivory Coast footballer says cheated over pay

An Ivory Coast football player, who came to Kerala to play for a local club, has lodged a complaint alleging that he was cheated over remuneration by the football club. The player was identified as 24-year-old Kanke Kuwazi, who arrived in Kerala’s Malappuram to play sevens football matches, a variation of association football played in India with seven players on each side, typically on a smaller field than a full-size football pitch. In his complaint, Kuwazi alleged that he has not received any of his remuneration as per the agreement in the last six months. He alleged that the club has not provided him with proper food and shelter. According to reports, before moving to Malappuram, Kanke Kuwazi was in Kolkata from January 2023. From there, he was recruited by United FC Nellikuth team in Manjeri. Addressing the media, Kuwazi said he was only given chances to play in two matches and that the remuneration for it was still pending. Kuwazi decided to lodge a complaint as he did not even receive a return ticket and his visa expired on July 3. He went to Manjeri police station to lodge the complaint and then to the Malappuram Superintendent of Police (SP) office. Kuwazi burst into tears when the police brought him food and he requested to provide facilities to go back home. Malappuram SP Sasidharan S told TNM that he has directed the football club owners to provide food and other necessities to the players. The football club has agreed to that, he added. Moreover, the SP has asked the owners to arrange a flight ticket for Kuwazi to return to his country.Meanwhile, the United FC Nellikuth officials explained that they did not know the player before and they came to know about this incident only after Kuwazi reached the Manjeri police station. As per SP, they are verifying the documents and the case is in process. Sevens football clubs sign semi-professional foreign players, mostly from West Africa, for big tournaments. Most of the organised tournaments are overseen by the Sevens Football Association (SFA). Invest in journalism that makes a difference. Subscribe to TNM and pay to keep the news free.

Ivory Coast footballer says cheated over pay

AN Ivory Coast football player, who came to Kerala to play for a local club, has lodged a complaint alleging that he was cheated over remuneration by the football club.

The player was identified as 24-year-old Kanke Kuwazi who arrived in Malappuram to play sevens football matches, a variation of association football played in India with seven players on each side, typically on a smaller field than a full-size football pitch. 

In his complaint, Kuwazi alleged that he has not received any of his remuneration as per the agreement in the last six months. He alleged that the club had not provided him with proper food and shelter. According to reports, before moving to Malappuram, Kanke Kuwazi was in Kolkata from January 2023. From there, he was recruited by the United FC Nellikuth team in Manjeri. 

Addressing the media, Kuwazi said he was only given chances to play in two matches and that the remuneration for it was still pending. Kuwazi decided to complain as he did not even receive a return ticket and his visa expired on July 3.

He went to Manjeri police station to lodge the complaint and then to the Malappuram Superintendent of Police (SP) office. Kuwazi burst into tears when the police brought him food and he requested to provide facilities to go back home.

Malappuram SP Sasidharan S told TNM that he has directed the football club owners to provide food and other necessities to the players. The football club has agreed to that, he added. Moreover, the SP has asked the owners to arrange a flight ticket for Kuwazi to return to his country.

Meanwhile, the United FC Nellikuth officials explained that they did not know the player before and they came to know about this incident only after Kuwazi reached the Manjeri police station. As per the SP, they are verifying the documents and the case is in process. 

Sevens football clubs sign semi-professional foreign players, mostly from West Africa, for big tournaments. Most of the organized tournaments are overseen by the Sevens Football Association (SFA). 

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